1.why don't you make a vrScilab for Scilab2.7
linux editon?
In fact,we are puzzled at this problem,it seems that
the tcl interpreter in the edition don't support the
"cascade menu" and "package"very
well,And there's no time for us to write a new script,So
we finally give that up.
2.why do you only support the "freewrl"
in the "preview" function under linux.
Well,we paid a lot of time in searching a "vrml
viewer" on the internet to only find that there
are so many different kinds of tools for Linux,
And each tools must specifically installed only
on special version of linux.Finally,we dicided to
choose the famous "freewrl".
We feel sorry if you don't have a "freewrl",
you can get it from our installation package. You
can also change the "envi.tcl" to make
it work for you.
3.my Linux is not redhat(or using Unix)
,can i get special version for unix?
First, we don't have a Unix platform for us to test
the program.
Second, we don't have time too. :)
But maybe you can also try the Linux version. It
supposed to work well too.
4.What kind of Scilab script can be convert
to corresponding VRML file with VRScilab ?
Please try your script in Scilab. If any 3d-graphics
is plotted and all plot function is in the list
of VRScilab ,it will be done.( see Function Reference
for more details)
5.Why there's a syntax error when running
plot demo like "plot3d()" in VrScilab?
When you run "plot3d()" in Scilab,in reality,it's
running the scirpt:"t=%pi:0.3:%pi;plot3d(t,t,sin(t)'*cos(t),35,45,'X@Y@Z',[2,2,4]);",but
our VrScilab simply convert it to vplot3d with no
parameters,it unevidentaly cause the trouble.
In a word,we don't support the demo of plot function
being converted to VRML files.So try to use the
"real" script in it.