Beacuse the Tk/Tcl 8.0 interpreter in Scilab 2.6
(Windows version) which has a bug in responding keyboard
& mouse event , we faced a great problem in working
out the developer environment.
For example, you type "Smile" in the editor
window, interpreter can only recognize part of them.
So you might get "Sile" or "mile",
even "mle". The poor mouse also meet this
problem, if you press certain button, it might be
ignored. It gives user very inconvenient impression.
Last year ,when our group is writing the EasyScilab,we
have already found this problem.Since it's Scilab's
own bug. We can do nothing to fix it. Later we found
a very intersting things, that is ,if you move the
mouse consistently when you are typing, you will find
it more fruently than before. It give us an idea that
we can write a program to make the mouse "move"
1 pixel around when the user is typing, and it works.
At last, we designed a little tool "SpeedUp"
to solve
this problem. We put it into a package "vSpeedUp",
You can read it in \lib. This tool can help you type
fluently and press freely in the TK windows.
We find speedup many bugs this year. First, since
it's just a "while" event updating input
signal, it will cost a lot of CPU resource. We had
tried to "sleep" it for some time in the
"while", but the WINDOWS clocking bug makes
it impossible. Second, we find that the Scilab will
sometimes collide with it. It may cause Scilab to
hungup and lost response when it's turned on and you
are typing something in the Scilab windows.
We tried to fix them this year, we use an event-catching
to watch the mouse moving.Once it moved out of the
VrScilab windows, we automatically turn the speedup
down. This will help a lot. And since the Scilab Linux
version don't have this problem, our program will
judge the platform and disable the speedup under linux-----no
matter you turn it on or not,it just doesn't work
:) .
Although we have try our best , there still be some
mistakes during the state "SpeedUp".
So we suggest user don't frequently activate it until
the last minute :) We are looking forward to seeing
the next version of Scilab which used Wish 8.3 as
its Tcl interpreter.