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HERE we will summarize all 3D-plotting functions, and in this version, we have benn able to deal with most of 3d plot function in scilab 2.6, including plot3d, plot3d1, plot3d2, plot3d3, fac3d, fac3d1, param3d, param3d1, xset, xsetech and xbasc.And all of them are written in scilab scripts . Now you could take a brief look at all these funtions, as follows.

CAUTIONS:before exec all these functions in scilab2.6, we use a tcl script to convert the user's sci script into a new one, which not only means that we just change the function name into it's v-version, but we also make a lot of changeS including the parameter given by the user.
And we will discuss it in detail in the documentation of scitonewsci.tcl.

  1. PLOT3D --> VPLOT_3D
    We just transfer the first three parameters to the function vplot_3d, they are either matrices or vectors,and the parameter such as "flag","leg","type"... are all eliminated. Fortunately, we could get different sights and change viewpoint freely in VRML.
    We will first judge the type of the argument. Finally,we find that there are in all 3 types of arguments(the first threee arguments), VVM, MMM, MML.(V stands for vector, M for matrix and L for list(M, color)) Since the VVM is in reality equivalent to MMM in plotting , we convert it into the MMM type, that is, drawing a surface defined by a set of facets. In this situation, the function will output two temp files: temp_matrix.txt and temp_index.txt contains the data of points and their index used in .wrl files.
    Another alternative, however, are something of great complexity(z is a list consists of both point matrix and facet color matrix/vector) .In this version,we can deal with the color vector it would output two files aditionally----temp_color.txt and temp_cindex.txt,they contain the information needed for color plotting. Unfortunately , we can't support the situation when color argument in z(list) is a matrix, cause we know nothing about the interpolation algorithm. In this case ,we will just give a warning dialog and continue,we feel regret about this , and may be in the next version we can fix this problem.
  2. PLOT3D1 --> VPLOT_3D1
    Er...,this is an intresting function,we found nothing about its color generating process in the official documentation. And later we found that the color index involved in this function is closely connected with "colormap" , which has a default value and can also be defined in the function xset(we have the corresponding vx_set), the default colormap is a 32*3 matrix . we have figured out its default colormap,coverted it to r g b form definded in vrml files(value of 0~1). To link the colormap to vplot3d1,we set vplot3d 4 arguments--(colormap,x,y,z), we save the max and min of "z" and use them to calculate the color index of each facets,which is the main difference between plot3d1 and plot3d . SEE ALSO VXSET.
  3. XSET --> VX_SET
    Xset is such a complicated function and have close link with the GraphicWindows.we are nearly impossible to write a vxset the same as xset. ....And in fact , the whole process has so much differences with the vrml definition. So, we can only support the "colormap" setting at last. it just return the color matrix and transfer it to vplot3d1. SEE ALSO VPLOT_3D1.
  4. PARAM3D --> VPARAM_3D
    As we have done in vplot3d, we get the first three parameter from param3d which are vectors of the same size. We convert column vectors into row vectors and enable the function to output two temp files: temp_matrix.txt and temp_index.txt.
  5. PARAM3D1 --> VPARAM_3D1
    To do multiple plots with color, we use the function vparam3d1. We get the first three arguments from param3d1 as usual. Then we judge if it contains the color information. If not, we write two temp files just as we have done in the previous function. Otherwise, we additionally write two other temp files so that the essential color information in the .wrl file will be easily gained.
  6. PLOT3D2 --> VPLOT_3D2 and PLOT3D3 -->VPLOT_3D3
    When We have nearly give up this two functions,we find great help in the scilab macro.
    plot3d2 and plot3d3 just call plot3d and plot3d1 to finish the task. So we can also first use nf3d function to generate standard point matrixs and transfer them to vplot3d and vplot3d1.
    The function xbasc can clear the GraphicWindows,the xsetech will plot several graphic in one windows.But when we plot many shape in one windows, it seems strange, and sometimes the file will grow so big that it's hard to be open. So we dicide to make the vxbasc and vxsetech creat new vrml files,which means that the plot function between in xbasc or xsetech will be plot in a vrml file. We recommaned the user who want to see the frame plot such as xsetech to embeded each vrml files in the html frame.
  8. FAC3D-->VFAC_3D and FAC3D1-->VFAC_3D1
    fac3d and fac3d1 are obsolete useage of plot3d and plot3d1,but we also support them.
    Another usege of plot3d and plot3d1. no much to say.

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